Health and Wellness Coaching
Health Coaching
Our Health Coaches have in-depth understanding of nutrition, testing, recommended diets, supplements and any treatment plan that your Hair Analysis Practitioner might suggest for you so that you are supported through the learning curve of life changes that come with a health plan.
They are here to guide you through the different stages of change to reach a higher level of health and wellbeing.
Health Coaching is for anyone who..
Wants to make a change in their lives and ensure they are setup for success
Wants to make a change in their lives and also kind of doesn’t
Wants to make a change in their lives and isn’t sure how to get started
Has tried to make a change and not been successful yet
Has been told they should make a health change but isn’t sure if they want to or how to begin
Working with a Hair Analysis Practitioner and would like some more support through the process
Feeling stuck in life and/ or health
Wants to make a change easier, more enjoyable and feel more achievable
Health Coaches are change agents, they provide the right kind of support, encouragement, and challenge to help people make critical lifestyle changes aligned with their health and wellbeing goals.
Making real, lasting lifestyle and behaviour changes isn’t a switch a person can simply flip. It takes ongoing effort and support and our health coaches are here to support you every step of the way.
What happens in a coaching session?
All coaching sessions take place on Zoom
Each session is 60 minutes long
Coaching is mostly talking. Whilst a health coach can guide you to what you need to do to reach your health and wellness goals, they focus on helping you draw out your unique strengths, learning styles and what success looks like and means to you- this is how we create lasting change.
Sessions may include mindfulness and meditation- depending on the individuals requirements
Includes visioning and creating achievable goals
Guided by what makes you happy and feel successful, not what someone else has told you to do
Topics and goals that might come up in coaching:
I don't have the energy to workout where to start, I'd like to be guided by someone I trust
I want to be excited for life again
I want to sleep deeply and wake refreshed
I want to feel calmer and more resilient, with less stress and anxiety
I want to be around for longer for my family
I want to be healthy for my family
I want it to be easier to play with my children
I want to have a baby and overcome fertility issues and hormone imbalances
I don’t know what I need but I don’t want to feel like this anymore
I want to know how to make a health plan successful with my busy life
I want to balance play and work and family
I want to set boundaries and remove things from my life that don’t serve me
I want to become more sociable/ have more fun AND meet my health goals
I want a protocol that my doctor has put me on to feel easier and more fun
I want to enjoy exercise
I want to feel like I come first sometimes
I want to feel like I’m moving forward
I want to feel safe and playful again
I want to think clearly and express my needs
I want to know what my needs are and how to meet them
I want life to feel like less of an effort
I want to feel understood and supported
I’m so tired I’ve almost forgotten who I am
I don’t know how to switch off
I find it overwhelming to get through each day
Sounds good- what next?
Packages start at £1000
The first session is free
Use the form below to send your enquiry and we will match you to the right coach for your first session- which is free!
{PLEASE USE THIS LINK TO THE FORM- https://www.charlettepomme.com/ha-coaching-enquiry }
Charlette Pomme
Charlette is a Functional Health and Happiness Coach, specialising in pain, burnout and female cycle syncing. Her method is very much mind and body centred as well as forward focused. Charlette’s education is in Functional Medicine, Health and Happiness Coaching, Mindfulness, Meditation and Movement Therapy. She has run a successful private and international practice for over ten years.
Georgia Mahony
Georgia is a Mindset Coach and Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner. She specialises in supporting women to create a happy, healthy, purposeful life by unravelling old patterns that don’t serve their wellbeing and learning and integrating new health conscious habits through specific Neuro Reset techniques.
Olga Kochman
Olga is a Holistic Health Coach with a particular focus on eating disorder recovery. She holds Masters in Biomedical Science; and she has graduated from the ADAPT Health Coach training program with the Kresser Institute; as well as Level II training in EDIT™ (Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy).
Fiona Austin
Fiona is an Integrative Therapist and Health Coach, specialising in emotions and feelings - this can reveal itself in anxiety, depression, self destructive behaviour such as procrastination or relationship challenges. Fiona’s approach is based on 18 years of experience in various schools of psychotherapy with a consideration to how we live, our body and lifestyle. Her focus is to help you translate your feelings in order for you to have greater success in clarifying and attaining your goals.