Meet the Team
Nutritional Balancing Practitioners
At Halr Analysis UK we use Analytical Research Laboratories, USA (ARL) for the hair mineral analysis testing and use the science of Dr Eck on minerals and their ratios to devise personal nutritional balancing programmes for clients. We incorporate the work of Dr Lawrence Wilson who worked with Dr Eck for many years and continued his work by adding some improvements and detox suggestions. Dr Wilson's brilliant additions to Dr Eck's programmes speed up the healing process but we make sure Dr Eck's science is not compromised. In addition, Cressida and Susan bring over 22 years combined nutritional experience to the programmes that are helping people regain their energy and healing ability.

Member of Naturopathic Nutrition Association, IANLPC and IAHT ​
Cressida has been analysing hundreds of hair tests and compiling mineral balancing and nutritional balancing programmes for clients around the the world from UK to India to Australia and working in the nutrition and supplement field since 2011. Cressida has overseen the restoration of vitality and symptom healing for clients looking for holistic solutions to their chronic and acute conditions. She brings a solution orientated approach to both adults and children to help them resolve their physical, mental or emotional issues and is passionate about using hair tests as a reliable guide and predictive tool to educate clients on their mineral imbalances and how to correct them.
Certified and has specialized in Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and Nutritional Balancing, Westbrook University, Clinical
Advanced Hair Mineral Analysis Training - Dr Wilson and Associates
Paleo Nutritionist Certification
Member of IANLPC and IAHT
Member of NNA Naturapathic Nutrition Association
Currently furthering study at Natural Healthcare College, London
BA Hons, Kings College London
HTMA Practitioner for The Anderida Practice, Forest Row, East Sussex
Author of Green Smoothie Joy and Green Smoothie Joy for Nutribullet.
- ​https://www.amazon.co.uk/Green-Smoothie-Joy-Recipes-Juicing-ebook/dp/B07MBJ2GRD
Published by Skyhorse Publishing, NY
Susan Cachay
BEd, MC, RNCP, Nutritionist, has worked in the nutrition field for over 25 years. Susan's focus for the last 18 years has been primarily working with Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) and Nutritional Balancing Science not only as a practitioner but as a coach and trainer. Susan has completed higher level training in the areas of women’s health, digestive/gut health, skin health, allergies, emotional wellbeing and wellness, intuitive and healthy eating. She has three publications: Recipes for the Developmental Diets, Intuitive Eating, Energy II.​
Dr Lawrence Wilson biography
Dr Wilson grew up in New York state. He has a bachelors of science degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a medical degree from the Centro De Estudios Universitarios Xochicalco, Ensenada, Mexico.
For over 40 years he has worked as a nutrition consultant refining the science of nutritional balancing. He has reviewed over 35,000 hair mineral analyses.
He learned some basics from Dr. Paul C. Eck, a brilliant biochemist and founder of Analytical Research Laboratories for whom he worked for 14 years.. He has expanded the work since Dr. Eck passed away adding procedures that greatly enhance the detoxification of toxic metals and discovering newer hair patterns that are emerging today in our ever increasing toxic world.
We use many of Dr Wilson's additions, trained and mentored by him but operate completely independently. We have incorporated additional remedies and supplements or protocols where needed based on our own experience and advancing new knowledge in the field of natural health.
Doug Eck
Vice President of Analytical Research Laboratories
Doug is the son of Dr Paul C Eck who founded the hair testing laboratory and devised the targeted nutritional supplements. He has been working at the lab and reviewing hair tests for over 20 years. We consult with Doug on a regular basis on tests, supplements etc.
Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis Practitioners.