The Nutritional Balancing Diet
Foods needed daily are those that are the richest in certain nutrients, especially a form of selenium, that causes development (regeneration of the body) to occur the fastest. Please note: recent observation is that some people are doing better on more eggs (2 or 3 a day), more meat and 'greens' rather than the other vegetables.
See under 'Vegetables' what 'green's are.
Foods are needed to remineralize the body with the alkaline reserve minerals, to slowly detoxify the body, to improve digestion and to make the body more yang.
Fast and slow oxidizers.
The foods listed below are for both those with a fast or a slow oxidation rate.
If you are a FAST OXIDISER you need to eat 1 tablespoon of extra fat per meal from the list of fats and oils below. Eat good quality fat with every meal (eg. Almond butter, nut butter, olive oil, butter, heavy cream, raw milk, full fat dairy, eggs)
If you are a SLOW OXIDISER you need to avoid any extra fat besides that which is in your food. You need good quality proteins 2-3 times a day.
Number of meals - Eat at least three meals daily. Do not skip meals. It is plenty difficult to obtain enough nutrients eating three meals daily. It is even less possible if you skip meals.
Snacking - You may have more than three meals daily, but do not snack all day, as this is hard on digestion. Instead, if hungry, eat another small sit-down, relaxed meal.
Variety - Rotate your vegetable foods and your proteins. Do not eat the exact same food several times daily or every day.
Cook all vegetables until they are soft. No raw, crunchy or al dente vegetables, please.
Pressure-cooking is best. It is the fastest, best-tasting, and clean-up is easy. If vegetables are cut into bite-sized chunks, most are ready to eat in about 5 minutes when cooked in a pressure-cooker.
Other acceptable cooking methods are crock pots, steaming or stir-frying. However, none of these is nearly as good a pressure-cooking.
Do not use microwave ovens. Do not deep-fry, roast or barbeque all food. A little made these ways is okay. However, these methods use high heat that generates toxic chemicals.
VEGETABLES - by Dr L Wilson
"The best source of alkaline reserve minerals of any food group. Vegetables are exceedingly nutritious, particularly in minerals, anti-oxidants, and hundreds of other nutrients. These cannot be obtained from any other foods.
Most all bodies are mineral-starved today thanks to modern N-P-K agriculture, food refining, stress and poor quality diets. For these reasons, everyone needs to eat plenty of cooked vegetables.
Cooking is needed because human beings cannot digest tough vegetable fibers, within which are most of the minerals in vegetables. Anyone who just mainly on salads slowly demineralizes the body. The effects are worse for women, who are prone to osteoporosis later in life. Osteoporosis is a type of demineralization.
I find that anyone who does not eat cooked vegetables will not be healthy. I pass along this observation of thousands of clients over the past 36 years.
Excellent for weight loss. Eating a lot of cooked vegetables can help anyone lose lots of weight without feeling hungry. In contrast, fruit will keep weight on."
70% of your diet should be cooked vegetables.
2 portions of roots, 2 portions of cruciferous veg and 1 portion of greens (please note some people do better on more greens and LESS of the other veg. Greens are green beans, spinach, bok choy, Swiss chard, Chinese cabbage, parsley, watercress, cilantro, mustard greens, collard greens, carrot tops, rocket or arugula)
Cooked until soft, not raw. Pressure-cooking is the best method for quality, cooking speed and ease of cleanup.
Organic is best. Frozen is okay. Locally grown, but only if they are of excellent quality.
Eat cooked vegetables at least three times daily. It is nice to cook them fresh for each meal, but it is fine to cook a lot of them once or twice daily and eat them all day.
Carrot juice is recommended daily 10-12oz or wheatgrass juice 1 or 2 shots a few times a week
All onions
Daikon and other radishes (red, black and white)
Golden beets (red are slightly toxic)
Sweet potatoes
The cabbage family or cruciferous vegetables
Red cabbage
Cauliflower (including leaves)
Brussel sprouts
Other cabbages
Greens - These appear to be less important than the roots or cruciferous vegetables, so eat less of them.
Green beans
Bok choy
Swiss chard
Chinese cabbage
Cilantro or coriander and arugula or rocket
Mustard greens
Collard greens
Carrot tops and other tops
Kale (occasional as it is reported to contain thallium toxic metal)
Other good vegetables
Sweet corn
Cooked mung bean sprouts
Water chestnuts
Nopal cactus
Prickly pear leaves
Vegetables for occasional use
Other squashes
Vegetables to avoid
Raw vegetables
Red and white potatoes
Ground cayenne pepper is ok for a spice
Canned or frozen vegetables if you can't get fresh ones, although canned or frozen are better than nothing.
Some people are ok with a gluten but others react.
Organic, whole grains are best. To avoid developing an allergy, do not eat the same type of grain more than three days in one week this avoids getting allergic to it. Slow oxidizers should ideally eat 2-3 small servings daily. Fast Oxidizers should limit these to one small serving daily.
Rice is all contaminated with arsenic so please limit.
Basmati Rice
Brown Rice
Buckwheat (can be irritating to stomach)
Oatmeal or oats
Rye (may be tolerated)
Blue corn chips (the best)
Wild rice
Blue corn taco shells etc
Rice Bran
Organic, Free-Range, Pasture-Raised and/or Grass Fed is best. A serving is 2-3 eggs or 3-5oz of protein.
Some people need more eggs and meat than others.
Slow oxidizers should eat 2-3 servings of protein per day and less fat.
Fast Oxidizers should eat more fat and 1 to 2 servings of protein per day.
Natural game fowl
Beef (can be irritating to intestine and very hybridized in some areas. Get pure bred beef)
Chicken sausage
Turkey sausage or bacon
Butter or ghee
Goats milk and cheese
Plain yogurt full fat
Raw cheese
Sheep Milk Cheese
Sour cream
Crème fraiche
Cream cheese
Bacon or pork is not recommended due to potential parasite eggs. Organic would be best. Reports say that freezing the pork for several weeks kills the eggs.
Fats and Oils
Olive oil and butter are the best
Coconut and palm oil. Have these at most once a week, and preferably avoid them. They are too yin.
Avocado. Have this only once a week or not at all. It is too yin.
Refined vegetable oils. While a little is okay, these oils are high in omega-6 fatty acids, so do not use much of them. They include oils such as corn, sunflower, safflower, peanut, sesame, hazelnut, grapeseed, canola and others.
The oil found with organic blue corn chips is needed, so it is okay.
Fresh hempseed and flaxseed oils. These are yin and go rancid quickly. So please minimize their use to no more than a little once a week.
Rice bran oil is ok but may contain some arsenic.
In general, it’s best to be reduce sweeteners in your diet. Stevia, Monk Fruit and Chicory Root are the best. Sugar alcohols such as Xylitol, Erythritol, Maltitol, Sorbitol, etc can be used as well. Work up slowly on sugar alcohols. Do not use sugar alcohols if you experience seizures or other neurological issues. If a different sweetener must be used, natural raw honey and pure maple syrup are acceptable, but only in small amounts and only if really necessary.
Dried Beans. Up to twice per week you may have a serving of dried beans such as lentils, kidney beans, pinto beans, black beans, black-eyed peas, aduki beans or other beans.
Seeds & Nut Butters – Nut and seed butters are ok in moderation as long as they are fresh, roasted, soaked or sprouted, and unsweetened. Almond butter is one of the best. Peanuts and peanut butter are the worst. Nuts must be limited.
Fast food
White foods. Avoid all food products made with white flour or white sugar. These foods have little nutritional value, as well as other problems. Also, avoid all table salt in favor of natural sea salt.
Vegetables. Avoid yucca, taro root, breadfruit, burdock root, cassava, horseradish root, anise fennel, radicchio, rapini, kohlrabi, and parsley root. These vegetables are all either too yin or a little toxic.
Avoid all hard-cooked eggs. These are found in hard-boiled eggs, omelets, hard scrambled eggs, and eggs cooked into breads and other baked goods. Hard-cooked eggs are difficult to digest and the cooking damages the egg yolks.
Avoid all pig products such as pork, ham, and bacon. These often contain parasite eggs, even if they are well-cooked.
Avoid bison and buffalo – they don't digest well.
Avoid all organ meats. They are somewhat toxic.
Avoid refined soy products such as soy protein powder, textured vegetable protein and others.
Avoid all protein powders and meal replacements. These are very yin because they are broken apart and usually refined, as well.
Avoid all nuts and seeds, except for roasted almond butter and some other nut butters. Nuts in general are nutritious, but a little difficult to digest, too yin and slightly toxic. So if you have any keep it to a minimum.
Avoid processed meats.
Avoid all wheat and spelt products. Wheat has been altered and has become a very irritating food too high in glutamic acid. However some people do fine with organic sourdough bread.
Avoid all raw grain products such as granola, muesli and trail mix.
Avoid rice cakes. They are a refined and nutritionally depleted product. However some is ok.
Fruit. Avoid all fruit, except for 2-3 dried black botija olives per week. You can have berries or a slice of apple etc as a treat occasionally. Fruit is too yin and today contains toxic potassium and too much sugar that unbalances the body.
Fats and oils. Avoid all hydrogenated oils. These are found in all margarine, shortening, most peanut butter and many baked goods. Avoid lard and all products made with it.
Dairy Avoid most pasteurized milk. Avoid “cheese food”, such as Velveeta and Kraft Singles. Avoid cooked cheese such as that found in quiche, pizza, lasagna, cheese burgers, grilled cheese sandwiches, and some other dishes. You can have a small amount of raw milk and cheese. Yogurt is fine.
Salt Avoid all refined or table salt. Sea salt, however, is an excellent product. Redmond Sea Salt or Celtic Sea Salt is good.
Soda Pop or Carbonated Soft Drinks This is another heavily chemicalized food, in most cases. The worst is often diet soda, which can contain up to 70 chemicals, of which the label usually mentions only three or four.
Monosodium glutamate or MSG. It is found in:
Natural flavor(s)
Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
Autolyzed protein
Plant Protein
Textured Protein
Yeast extract
Nutritional yeast
Anything with glutamate
Water. The type and amount of water one drinks is very important on a nutritional balancing program. The best water is a quality natural spring water. The second best option for most people is carbon-only filtered tap water or sand-only filtered tap water. Please avoid distilled water and reverse osmosis water, as these contain very few minerals. Please also avoid adding minerals to water, and avoid very alkaline water, which is popular today, because it will unbalance body chemistry even if it provides temporary benefits. Please swap your brands of spring water around so you are getting different mineral contents.
Bone broth. (but not meat broths). You make bone broth by simmering beef, chicken, turkey or lamb bones (preferably not pig bones) for three to four hours only. Even better, cook it in a pressure cooker for only 25 minutes. Do not cook it longer, as it damages some nutrients. See bone broth article on my website. There is a possibility of too much lead in bone broth these days so don't consume daily.
Wheat grass juice. Adults may have 1-2 ounces of fresh or frozen wheat grass juice twice per week. Do not have powdered wheat grass or other powders because they may be rancid. However, capsules are fine and some powders in sealed sachets.
Tea or Coffee. Recommended only 1 per day of any kind of tea or coffee – you can have herbal teas but limit if you drink peppermint tea (contains aluminium) and no rooibos tea (nickel) except on occasion. Drinking water for the most part will keep you hydrated.