Why we like almond butter
Almond butter is made from almonds so it contains healthy fats, protein, and minerals, and it can easily be part of a healthy diet....almond butter is a good source of monounsaturated fats and fiber and has more than 3 grams protein and only 3 grams carbohydrate per serving. It's also high in potassium, calcium, and magnesium so all in all, almond butter is nutritious. We recommend this butter because it is roasted making the food more yang...we dont recommend eating alot of nuts and seeds as they are yin in chinese medicine and are slightly toxic...even after soaking or sprouting we still prefer a roasted nut butter.... and the best we feel is almond. We like roasted tahini too 😁 Eating almond butter as a snack helps to keep blood sugar balanced...be careful though its addictive its so yummy !
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